After a perfect (and tiresome) first day and a good night sleep we were ready for China. Ready to absorb new experiences and new things to see. Mr. Cheng Liang and Vivian (our main contact during our stay) gave us a tour through the Dalian Zhongshan Art museum. Mr. Cheng Liang is the curator and the son of the director of the museum. Currently there was a exhibition of a teacher of his from his art education, mr. Sun Hao. He showed a serie of paintings from famous Chinese characters and many other paintings. We were struck by his way of painting emotions and expressions of the faces.

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After visiting the museum mr. Cheng and Vivian took us on a tour along the famous Binhai road next to the sea with beautiful views at every corner. The road led us to the biggest square in Asia, the Xinghai Square. We followed the road around the square, which is surrounded by buildings with all kinds of different architecture. From Japanese to Russian to fairytale castles.


At the end of the day Vivian took us to the city centre. She introduced us to the overwhelming buzz of Dalian. Everything is so big and colourfull. After a super delicious Korean bbq we went home by bus, which was an adventure on its own ;-).







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